
Pillars of Truth(s) at Kalokol

A barren, rolling landscape and a ring of stones. Evidence of mysterious ritual feasts and astrological signs. The true purpose of the site long forgotten. It’s an image that conjures up ancient Celtic druids on the English heath, but ring sites aren’t unique to the early cultures of the English Isles. The Turkana Basin has [...]

By |2017-01-04T18:05:09+03:00March 15th, 2013|Field Schools, General|Comments Off on Pillars of Truth(s) at Kalokol

Staking (or flagging) a claim

Where people go, they leave their trash. Since the Turkana Basin has been home to people for millions of years, there’s a lot of trash for archaeologists to pick up. The classic image of archaeology is the studious excavator sweating with trowel in hand in a meter-by-meter square trying to figure out how a piece [...]

By |2017-01-04T18:05:10+03:00March 5th, 2013|Field Schools, General|Comments Off on Staking (or flagging) a claim

Lothagam: Studying rivers while surviving deserts

Lothagam was too expansive, too important, and just too beautiful to be limited to a one-day visit or one blog post. As usual, the students rose with the dawn, the red rocks of Lothagam radiant with scarlet light. Quickly the nets and bedrolls were packed away, boots were laced, sunscreen applied, and we [...]

By |2017-01-04T18:05:10+03:00February 24th, 2013|Field Schools, General|Comments Off on Lothagam: Studying rivers while surviving deserts

Lothagam: Red Rocks and Honey Badgers

Lothagam isn’t a name that comes up very often in Physical Anthropology classes. It wasn’t a name a lot of the students on the field school knew before they came out to TBI. But over the last few weeks there was a building drumbeat: Lothagam: the lonely hill on a distant horizon. Lothagam: the oldest [...]

By |2017-01-04T18:05:10+03:00February 20th, 2013|Field Schools, General|Comments Off on Lothagam: Red Rocks and Honey Badgers

Defining the Holocene-“Anthropocene” boundary

Geology is often viewed as the study of the past, of what happened to get the planet to this point. But many geologists are equally interested in the future, using information collected on climatic, tectonic, and biological change to figure out where the planet is headed. Dr. Bob Raynolds, research associate Denver Museum of Nature [...]

By |2017-01-04T18:05:10+03:00February 17th, 2013|Field Schools, General|Comments Off on Defining the Holocene-“Anthropocene” boundary
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