Access to healthcare in northern Kenya leaves even basic requirements unmet. While there have been some advancements in recent years, a massive healthcare gap between rural and urban areas remains, especially for pastoralist communities. Geographical inaccessibility and poor resourcing are still major barriers to adequate healthcare. Since its inception, TBI has actively supported health initiatives leading to sustainable long term improvements in healthcare.
TBI has constructed two maternity wards with staff quarters, on each side of the lake, and continues to maintain these facilities. Through various advocacies, the Ministry of Health in Kenya has seconded staff and provides supplies to these amenities.

Medical staff and partners during an organized medical camp at Bacha Loki
TBI’s contributions include long term staffing, back-up supply of critical resources such as potable water and advocacy to ensure that communities receive requisite supplies and investment from both governmental and nongovernmental entities. We periodically conduct short term activities such as intensive medical camps in areas away from the health facilities, hosting expert medical personnel to support and strengthen capacity of the existing facility staff and fundraising for investment in basic infrastructure, which we subsequently maintain.
TBI Mobile Outreach Program
TBI runs a mobile clinic that doubles up as the referral vehicle to transport patients to the different hospitals within our referral system. This mobile clinic supports the monthly outreach cycles by transporting the nutrition supplements and medical staff to different clusters to offer nutrition, vaccination, essential services and antenatal services to the community. This vehicle has saved the lives of many mothers, babies and critically ill patients by being available to pick up emergency cases for timely medical attention.

TBI’s Mobile Clinic during community outreach
To support TBI’s Community Initiatives on Health, click here