In an area dependent on livestock, relief food, and rain in a dry region, the development and adaptation of multi-storey gardens (MSG) is an innovative and exciting way to address food insecurity.
Friends of Turkana, a US based charity organization, has granted TBI USD 9,500 to assist Turkana women meet the nutrition needs of their families. Even with the distribution of relief food, women in Turkana continue to suffer from food insecurity, and there is chronic malnutrition among the children.
The support by Friends of Turkana will support households in Nakwaperit as a pilot project with planned extension to Lorengalup and other regions in the greater Turkana area. This will enable children to attend school not only when food aid is available but enable them stay in school through the academic calender. As the produce can be grown all year round and production of varied produce can be used in practical nutrition education, the initiative will not only increase food security but also empower the Turkana women.