Environmental Sustainability

Origins in Turkana

We’ve had an incredible first few weeks at TBI Turkwel! After our time at Mpala, we’ve hit the ground running and have been really busy visiting the incredible sites in the Turkana Basin and enjoying life at TBI!   As part of the Environments, Ecosystems and Evolution course taught by Dr. Nicholas Taylor, we created toilet [...]

By |2023-09-12T11:36:25+03:00June 18th, 2023|Featured, Field Schools, General, Origins Field School, Origins Summer Field School, Origins Summer Field School 2023|Comments Off on Origins in Turkana

Summer 2023 Field Schools Underway!

Jambo! The Summer 2023 Field Schools are underway!! This year, we have both an Origins Field School and a Global Innovation Field School, being led by Dr. Nicholas Taylor and Acacia Leakey respectively, with Teaching Assistant Medina Lubisia. We arrived in Turkana earlier today, having spent an amazing few days at Mpala Research Center and [...]

A week of learning about and living in Mpala’s incredible ecosystem.

Personal journal excerpt: It is Tuesday evening; I am relaxing in Mpala research center reminiscing a productive day. I am inspired to write a short account of the ant-acacia relationship we learned earlier today:   Picture an ant, One ferocious and alert, She tends and serves, To protect her reserves!   Picture another ant, One [...]

By |2022-11-18T15:36:56+03:00September 20th, 2022|Fall 2022, Featured, Field Schools, General, Origins Field School|Comments Off on A week of learning about and living in Mpala’s incredible ecosystem.

MIT Evaporative Cooling goes to Ileret

Hi again! It’s Ava and Christine, Mechnical Engineering Undergraduate students from MIT D-Lab. After a beautiful few days spotting animals in the Masai Mara, we flew up to TBI's facility on the east side of Lake Turkana in Ileret to continue our evaporative cooling research! During our time in Ileret, we focused on understanding the [...]

By |2022-08-05T08:33:00+03:00July 25th, 2022|Featured, Research|Comments Off on MIT Evaporative Cooling goes to Ileret

MIT D-Lab Students Start Evaporative Cooling Research at TBI Turkwel

Hello! We are Ava and Christine, from MIT D-Lab, and this summer we are working with the Turkana Basin Institute and our PI, Dr. Eric Verploegen, to research evaporative cooling as a means of post harvest fruit and vegetable storage. In regions of the world where access to food preservation methods is limited, up [...]

By |2024-04-23T14:36:31+03:00June 28th, 2022|Featured, General, Research|Comments Off on MIT D-Lab Students Start Evaporative Cooling Research at TBI Turkwel

World Water Day – March 22 2022

March 22nd is World Water Day and this year the international focus is on groundwater. This is a precious resource whose importance is increasing as the impacts of climate change become more significant. We feel this acutely in TBI Ileret where groundwater is critical to our operations.  In 2021, we were able to decarbonize [...]

By |2022-04-22T09:53:55+03:00March 22nd, 2022|Featured, General, Local Community Outreach, Projects|Comments Off on World Water Day – March 22 2022

Infrastructural Advancements for Environmental Sustainability at TBI Camps in 2021

2021 was an exciting year for sustainability at TBI. We made great strides towards improving our environmental sustainability by increasing investments in clean energy. Over all, we installed over 50 kWp of solar panels, which can generate a cumulative 330 kW of power daily and we installed over 100 kWh of battery storage. This [...]

By |2022-03-30T11:02:14+03:00January 20th, 2022|Featured, General, Projects|Comments Off on Infrastructural Advancements for Environmental Sustainability at TBI Camps in 2021
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