The impact of climate change has been detrimental to the world’s biodiversity. Many animals are endangered or facing extinction. In the East Africa Savannah, poaching, drought, and habitat loss are all factors affecting wildlife. Increased human populations have also led to habitat loss, livestock-wildlife competition, and as such, Grevy’s zebra are now an endangered species.
To help in the conservation of the endangered Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi), various international organizations, conservation groups, research scientists, school children, and the locals of Laikipia County joined together over the weekend to participate in the 3rd Great Grevy’s Rally (GGR). The rally is a biennial event that aims to collecting information through photography census, which helps in monitoring the Grevy’s zebra. The loss of such a species is devastating not only to the ecosystem, but also disastrous to the economy of a country which depends on tourism. We were glad to be part of this thrilling activity, and many of us drove around Laikipia taking photos and tallying the number of the Grevy’s zebra.

Some GGR team members.

Joe and Zak enjoying the ride. Photo credit: Emmaleigh Grady.

Clara and Emma. Photo credit: Zacchariah Apolito.

Winnie, Becca, and Michael. Photo credit: Winfred Wambui.

Amber, Medina, and Jared. Photo credit: Amber Treadway.
The Grevy’s zebra is distinct from the plains zebra by having thin stripes, a white belly, brown muzzle, and big “mickey mouse-like” ears.

Grevy’s zebra. Photo credit: Margaret Mwangi (The Laikipia Zebra Project, Mpala)

The sandwich tastes better in the wild! Photo credit: Winfred Wambui.

Zak enjoying his lunch. Photo credit: Emmaleigh Grady.

Michael and Becca had fun! Photo credit: Winfred Wambui.