It’s Thrusday of the first week of the Geology module. So far, the students have learnt about the Geological History of the Turkana Basin, as well as some of the basics of Geology, from the principles of sedimentation to the classification and formation of different types of rocks and minerals. The first field trip of the module was a short expedition to the outcrops just outside the gate, where Dr. Feibel took the students on a tour of the local geology.

Dr. Feibel shows the students examples of pebbles made up of the two most predominant minerals of the Earth’s Crust – Feldspar and Quartz.
Almost as soon as the students set foot out of the gate, they were joined by a troupe of Turkana children on the way home from school. They tagged along for most of the way and they studied the students note-taking with great curiosity.

From the top of an outcrop, Dr. Feibel points out some geological features of the surrounding landscape.
In class, the students have also been learning how to use the Brunton compass and the GPS Garmin instruments; and yesterday, they got the chance to put their newly acquired knowledge into practice during the Team Orienteering Contest.
After an exhilarating race across the outcrops, the prize went to the Leakey Ladies. However, not without a few war wounds – as they were crossing the river bank, Erica fell in the mud and Robyn got a palm frond thorn in her foot. Luckily, Dr. Martins was nearby and came straight to the rescue.
Everyone had lots of fun, and, more importantly, they got to put their navigation skills into practice. At the end of the day, all the students were winners, as the Leakey Ladies shared their scrumptious prize with everyone. What a treat!