Over the past year at Ileret there has been great progress with the building of the permanent facility. Three buildings are now completed and are being used, the power supply is in place and the current building is being focused on the large building for the laboratories as well as on the student dining area and mess.

Aerial view of Ileret

Aerial view of Ileret

Louise took a picture from the air as she was coming in to land yesterday evening and here you can see the green roofed completed buildings as well as the large slab of the lab, under construction, behind them.

Here are images of the completed dining mess area at Ileret with spacious verandas:

Ileret facility dining area.

Ileret facility dining area.

The large lab under construction has the preparation lab almost complete as well as the first of three paleontology labs. Here is an image from inside the almost complete paleontology lab, which the existing and any new fossil collections will be placed.

Ileret lab under construction.

Ileret lab under construction.

The roof slab over most of the lab was laid and the final section is to be poured over the waffle structures. This is set and the final electrical conduit is being laid into this before pouring the cement slab in the coming week. It’s a very large area and the waffles save considerably on steel and cement used, which is an important consideration in this remote location.

Roof slab section "waffles."

Roof slab section "waffles."

The roof of this large building should be erected next month and then its a matter of laying the floors and finishing the building perhaps by the end of this year.